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Video Spotlight
Psychology “They teach you to look at problems in a completely different way.”
Business Management and French Studies “My advisors are helping me find internships and critiquing my resume.”
International Studies “We learned a lot studying in Tanzania. It was a fantastic experience.”
Business Management “I love the opportunites that the business management major provided.”
English and Hispanic Studies “Washington College pushes you further than you think you can go.”
Anthropology “There’s a need for educated professionals who understand cultural differences.”
International Studies “I came to Washington College for the opportunities.”
Computer Science “It was really intense, going as fast as you can. It was tons of fun.”
Education “Everything you learn is something significant.”
Psychology “Washington College has prepared me for a career as a counseling psychologist.”
American Studies “I’m ready to pursue a career in publications or research.”
Psychology “I’m interested in why people do what they do.”
English and Philosophy “I liked the way we could discuss different topics in a new perspective.”
Environmental Studies “The internship experiences will help me get into grad school.”
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