Looking for a home for your historic materials?
If you have any materials or items that you are considering donating to the Washington College Archives & Special Collections, please contact our Archivist, Lindsay%20Sheldon, to discuss your potential gift. Our Collection Development Policy provides guidelines as to the materials we hope to preserve, maintain, and make available for research. These include items related to the history of Washington College, Chestertown, Kent and Queen Anne's Counties, the Eastern Shore, and other Chesapeake Bay region. We are looking for manuscript material related to Faculty, Alumni or the Eastern Shore including letters, diaries, family papers, ledgers, business records, legal documents, speeches, lectures, and addresses, photographs, and artifacts.
Washington College Alumni
Did you attend Washington College? The Archives would like to expand our collections on student history. Do you have items that could help? We are looking for things that tell the story of student life in Chestertown. Our archives have Presidents' papers, athletics photos, and much more, but we are missing your story! Let us know if you’d like to add to our collections with “stuff” from your days in college.
What are we looking for?
Materials related to student life including photographs of events, activities, clubs, and group activities, scrapbooks, diaries, and correspondence.
Records of student organizations including meeting minutes, bylaws, founding documents, reports, publications, flyers, and photographs.
Artifacts including buttons, memorabilia, and anything that says "Washington College" - we might be interested, so let us know what you have!
Would you like to help support the Archives and Special Collections in other ways?
Washington College has always strived for the Academic Excellence of our students and a strong library and archives is essential to achieve this. Libraries are not stagnant things. We are constantly building and preserving our collections, utilizing new technologies, and providing a knowledgeable library staff enhances with professional development and training. We would greatly appreciate your help to continue this excellence through endowments, gift funds, gifts-in-kind, and donations for conservation and preservation. If you have more questions or wish to make a generous donation, please contact the Dean of the Library, Dr.%20Mary%20Alice%20Ball.