
CRFRS Peer-reviewed Publications

Small, D. M. and C. R. Long. 2019. Near Catastrophe to Recovery: A Northern Bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) Success Story in Maryland. Maryland Birdlife 68: 23-37.

Carr, J. Gimpel, M. E. and D. M. Small. 2019. Patterns of Provisioning in Known-Aged Spizella pusilla (Field Sparrow): A Multi-Year Study. Northeastern Naturalist 26: 484-498.

Brinkerhoff, R.J., L. Dang, H.M. Streby, and M.E. Gimpel. 2018. Life history characteristics of birds influence patterns of tick parasitism. Infection Ecology & Epidemiology, 9:1, 1547096, DOI: 10.1080/20008686.2018.1547096.

Danner, J. E., D. M. Small, T. B. Ryder, B. Lohr, B. S. Masters, D. E. Gill, and R. C. Fleisher. 2018. Temporal patterns of extra-pair paternity in a population of Grasshopper Sparrows (Ammodramus savannarum) in Maryland. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 130(1): 40-51.

Small, D. M. 2017. Winter site fidelity and over-wintering site persistence of a Northern Shrike, Lanius borealis, in Maryland. Maryland Birdlife 66(2): 9-19.

Gimpel, M. E. and J. M. Carr.  2017. First known case of a passerine presumably returning a dead chick to the nest. Maryland Birdlife 66(2): 29-35.

Soha, J., A. Nelson, D.A. Nelson, and B. Lohr. 2016. Non-salient geographic variation in birdsong in a species that learns by improvisation. Ethology 122: 343-353.

Small, D. M., M. E. Gimpel and J. Gruber. 2015. Preformative molt in Indigo Buntings north of the wintering grounds.  North American Bird Bander 40(2): 67-69.

Small, D. M., P. J. Blank and B. Lohr. 2015. Habitat use and movement patterns by dependent and independent juvenile Grasshopper Sparrows during the post-fledging period. Journal of Field Ornithology 86(1): 17-26.

Gimpel, M. E., D. M. Small and J. G. Gruber.  2014.  Winter site fidelity of six sparrow species in Maryland.  North American Bird Bander 39(2): 45-51.

Florin, David A., R. J. Brinkerhoff, Holly Gaff, Ju Jiang, Richard G. Robbins, William Eickmeyer, James Butler, David Nielsen, Chelsea Wright, Alexis White, Maren E. Gimpel & Allen L. Richards. 2014. Additional U.S. collections of the Gulf Coast tick, Amblyomma maculatum (Acari: Ixodidae), from the State of Delaware, the first reported field collections of adult specimens from the State of Maryland, and data regarding this tick from surveillance of migratory songbirds in Maryland. Systematic & Applied Acarology 19(3): 257–262.

Lohr, B., S. Ashby and S. M. Wakamiya.  2013.  The function of song types and song components in Grasshopper Sparrows (Ammodramus savannarum).  Behaviour 150: 1085-1106.

Anthony, T., D. E. Gill, D. M. Small, J. Parks, H. F. Sears. 2013. Post-fledging dispersal of Grasshopper Sparrows (Ammodramus savannarum) on a restored grassland in Maryland. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology: 125(2): 307-313.

Small, D. M., M. E. Gimpel, J. G. Gruber.  2013.  Variation and Extent of Eccentric Pre-formative Wing Molt in Field Sparrows.  North American Bird Bander 38(2): 49-54.

Small, D. M., M. E. Gimpel, D. E. Gill. 2012. Site Fidelity and Natal Philopatry in  Dickcissels. Northeastern Naturalist 19(1): 123-129.

Gimpel, M. E., D. M. Small, J. G. Gruber. 2010. Site Fidelity and a Longevity Record of Wintering Hermit Thrushes in Maryland. North American Bird Bander 35(2): 1-4.

Sherman, L. A. and K. R. Brye. 2009. Sequential Burning Effects on the Soil Chemistry of a Grassland Restoration in the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain of the United States. Ecological Restoration 27: 428-438.

Small, D. M., M. E. Gimpel, J. Parks, J. B. Guerard, D. E. Gill. 2009. First Documented Cases of Polygyny in the Grasshopper Sparrow. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 121(4): 822-825.

Soha, J. A., B. Lohr, and D. E. Gill. 2009. Song Development in the Grasshopper Sparrow, Ammodramus savannarum. Animal Behaviour 77(6): 1479-1489.

Small, D., J. Parks, J. Gruber, D. E. Gill. 2009. Grasshopper Sparrow (Ammodramus savannarum) longevity Record. North American Bird Bander 33(4): 186-187.

Small, D. M., M. E. Gimpel, J. Gruber. 2007. Field Sparrow (Spizella pusilla) Longevity Record. North American Bird Bander 32(2): 78.

Gill, D. E., P. Blank, J. Parks, J. B. Guerard, B. Lohr, E. Schwartzman, J. G. Gruber, G. Dodge, C. A. Rewa, and H. F. Sears. 2006. Plants and Breeding Bird Response on a Managed Conservation Reserve Program Grassland in Maryland. Wildlife Society Bulletin 34(4): 944-956.

Sherman, L. A., K. R. Brye, D. E. Gill, K. A. Koenig. 2005. Soil Chemistry as Affected by First-Time Prescribed Burning of a Grassland Restoration on a Coastal Plain Ultisol. Soil Science 170(11): 913-927.

CRFRS Reports and Articles

2018 Chester River Field Research Station Annual Newsletter.

2017 Chester River Field Research Station Annual Newsletter.

2016 Chester River Field Research Station Annual Newsletter.

2015 Chester River Field Research Station Annual Newsletter.

2014 Chester River Field Research Station Annual Newsletter.

2013 Chester River Field Research Station Annual Newsletter.

2012 Chester River Field Research Station Annual Newsletter.

Small, M. D. 2012. Ash-throated Flycatchers in Maryland. North American Birds 66(1):10-11.

2011 Chester River Field Research Station Annual Newsletter.

2010 Foreman’s Branch Bird Observatory Annual Report.

2009 Foreman’s Branch Bird Observatory Annual Report.

2008 Foreman’s Branch Bird Observatory Annual Report.

2007 Foreman’s Branch Bird Observatory Annual Report.

2006 Foreman’s Branch Bird Observatory Annual Report.

2005 Foreman’s Branch Bird Observatory Annual Report.

Gill, D. E. July/August 2004. Grassland Restored!! Audubon Naturalist 30(6).

2004 Foreman’s Branch Bird Observatory Annual Report.

Blank, P. J., D. E. Gill, B. Lohr. 2002. Restoration of Grassland Birds at the Chester River Field Research Center. The Grasshopper Sparrow.

Dodge, G. J., B. Byrnes, D. E. Gill. 2001. A two-year study of birds colonizing restored grasslands on the Eastern Shore of Maryland – with special focus on the Grasshopper Sparrow.

Publications by Collaborators

Adler, P.R. M.A. Sanderson, A.A. Boateng, P.J. Weimer and H.G. Jung. 2006. Biomass Yield and Biofuel Quality of Switchgrass Harvested in Fall or Spring. Agronomy Journal 98:1518-1525.

Sweeney, B. W., S. T. Czapka and T. Yerkes. 2002. Riparian Forest Restoration: Increasing Success by Reducing Plant Competition and Herbivory. Restoration Ecology 10:392-400.

Washington College Senior Capstone Projects

Koontz, E.  2017.  Using SWAT to inform the placement of agricultural BMPs that mitigate phosphorus and sediment pollution in overland flow on Chino Farms in Chestertown, Maryland.

Zins, M. 2015.  A Longitudinal Study of the Effect of Lunar Cycles on Migration for Maryland’s Aegolius acadius Population.

Phipps, J. 2015. N2O Flux Analysis of Agricultural Land and Restored Native Habitat.

Devore, D.  2014.  Analyzing nutrient concentrations of surface soil within established switchgrass plots.

Wares, K.  2014.  Larval salamander growth and development across a landscape gradient.

Other Media

Clarke, Wendy Mitman. 2018. Twenty Years Young. Washington College Magazine. Summer Issue.

Clarke, Wendy Mitman. 2018. If you grow it, they will come.  Washington College Magazine. Summer Issue.

Small, M. Daniel. 2017. Wanted: Landowners on the Upper Shore to Help Reverse Northern Bobwhite Population Declines. Chestertown and Easton Spy.

Clark, Wendy Mitman. 2017. College Studies Sparrows at Chino Farms.  Washington College web page.

Pickering Creek Views Newsletter.  2017.  Teachers investigate human impacts by land and sea.

Parson, Will.  December 1, 2016.  Restoration Spotlight: Chino Farms brings back the bobwhite quail. Chesapeake Bay Program.

Smedinghoff, Joan, Leslie Boorhem-Stephenson and Will Parson. October 31, 2016.  Restoration Spotlight: Striking a balance between farming and wildlife habitat. Chesapeake Bay Program, Chesapeake Bay News Blog.

Smith, Stephanie & Will Parson.  May 31, 2016. The Early Banders Catch the Birds.  Chesapeake Bay Program, Chesapeake Bay News Blog.

Heck, Peter. 2016. Rare Birds Visiting Kent. The Kent County News. January 28th.

Scott, Jane. 2014. Bird Banding at Chino Farms.  The Queen Anne’s Chronicle. Vol 4, No. 5.

Clark, Wendy Mitman.  2013.  A Bird in the Hand.  Washington College Magazine, Spring: 14-18. 

It’s A BioBlitz.  2013.  Washington College Magazine, Summer Issue: 11. PDF.

Restoring Habitat on Maryland’s Eastern Shore - Interview with Douglas Gill. BirdNote. Air date June 13, 2012.

Understanding and Restoring Nature - With Douglas Gill. BirdNote. Air date June 11, 2012.

Restoring Grasslands on Maryland’s Eastern Shore - Interview with Dr. Harry Sears. BirdNote. Air date June 7, 2011.

Landskroener, M. C. Spring 2006. Saving our Grasses. Washington College Magazine.

Outdoors Maryland TV program, Episode 1705. February 2005. Documentary on Bird Ecology and Behavior in a Restored Grassland at the Chester River Field Research Center, Chino Farms. F. Cevarich and F. Quang. D.E. Gill, H.F. Sears, and B. Lohr.

U of MD Research Channel program. 2004. Documentary on Grasshopper Sparrow Research at the Chester River Field Research Center, Chino Farms. D.E. Gill and B. Lohr.

Outdoors Maryland TV Program, Episode 1608.  “Humming in the Garden”2004.


Gimpel, M. E. and D. M. Small. 2013. Bird Banding at the Chester River Field Research Station. Kent County Bird Club. Chestertown, MD.

Small, D. M., P. J. Blank, B. Lohr. 2013. Post-fledging movement patterns and habitat use by hatch-year Grasshopper Sparrows. Maryland Ornithological Society Conference, Havre de Grace, MD.

Small, D. M. 2013. Post-fledging movement patterns and habitat use by hatch-year Grasshopper Sparrows. Eastern Bird Banding Association Conference, Pikeville, TN

Jung, K., M. Willard and B. Lohr.  2013.  Song patterning, organization, and output in the Grasshopper Sparrow (Ammodramus savannarum). Wilson Ornithological Society Conference, Williamsburg, VA.

Hussein, A., B. Lohr and B. Rolek. 2013.  Song Characteristics of the critically endangered Florida Grasshopper Sparrow (Ammodramus savannarum floridanus).  Wilson Ornithological Society Conference, Williamsburg, VA.

Muellerklein, O., P. Vutukur and B. Lohr.  2013.  Territoriality and spatial dynamics in Grasshopper Sparrows; a mathmatical model.  Wilson Ornithological Society Conference, Williamsburg, VA.

Lohr, B.  2013.  The function of song components in the Grasshopper Sparrow (Ammodramus savannarum). Wilson Ornithological Society Conference, Williamsburg, VA.

Brinkerhoff, J.J., E.N. Lane, I. Wazir, M. Gimpel and H.M. Streby.  2013.  Life history characteristics of birds influence patterns of tick parasitism.  Wilson Ornithological Society Conference, Williamsburg, VA.

Small, D. M.  2012.  Native Grassland Restoration at Chester River Field Research Station. Grassland Bird Symposium.  Virginia Working Landscapes, Front Royal VA.

Laudick, L. and B. Lohr. 2009. An analysis of nesting vocalizations in the grasshopper sparrow (Ammodramus savannarum). Department of Biological Sciences. Northern Kentucky University.

Blank, P. J., J. R. Parks, G. P. Dively, and D. E. Gill. 2007. Mowing Of CREP Grass Buffers In Late Summer Or Fall Reduces Wintering Bird Habitat. Poster Presentation. Presented at: The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, The Wildlife Society Maryland/Delaware Chapter Fall Meeting, and the Marine-Estuarine-Environmental Sciences, University of Maryland, Annual Colloquium.

Blank, P. J., G. Dively, J. Parks, and D. E. Gill. 2007. Bird Use of Herbaceous Filter Strips Bordering Crop Fields in Maryland. National Conference on Ecosystem Restoration. Kansas City, KN.

Gill, D. E., J. Parks, J. B. Guerard, E. Miles, H. F. Sears. 2007. Successful Conversion of Row-Crop Fields into Wildlife-Rich Grasslands at the Chester River Field Research Center, MD. 4th Annual Science Meeting of the Chesapeake Marshlands NWR Complex.

Blank, P. J. and D. E. Gill. 2006. Bird use of Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) buffers bordering rowcrop fields in Maryland. Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Annapolis, MD.

Wakamiya, S., S. Bruno, B. Lohr, and D. E. Gill. 2005. Spectral and temporal variation in song of an eastern population of grasshopper sparrows (Ammodramus savannarum). Joint Meeting of the Association for Field Ornithology and Wilson Ornithological Society: Ithaca, NY.

Blank, P. J. and D. E. Gill. 2005. Defining extent and configuration of habitat to meet local and regional goals. Grassland Restoration Workshop: Aiding Managers in National Capital Region Parks. National Capitol Region Parks and Planning Commission. Manassas National Park, 23 March 2005.

Gill, D. E. and P. J. Blank. 2005. Practice of Grassland Restoration in the Mid-Atlantic Region. Grassland Restoration Workshop: Aiding Managers in National Capital Region Parks. National Capitol Region Parks and Planning Commission. Manassas National Park, 23 March 2005.

Blank, P. A. and D. E. Gill. 2004. The value of conservation buffers around crop fields in the mid-Atlantic for birds. Abstract and poster. Wildlife Habitat Council 16th Annual Symposium. November. Wildlife Habitat Council, Silver Spring, MD 20910.

Lohr, B., R. J. Dooling, and D. E. Gill. 2004. Song variation and environmental auditory masking in the grasshopper sparrow (Ammodramus savannarum). Acoustical Society of America: New York, NY.

Lohr. B., R. J. Dooling, and D. E. Gill. 2003. Acoustic competition and song production in the grasshopper sparrow (Ammodramus savannarum). First International Conference on Acoustic Communication by Animals: College Park, MD.