Research & Fellowships
If you are a highly able student who craves an extraordinary college experience, Washington College can help you stand out among your peers in the job market or graduate school application process.
Do You at Washington College
With an exceptional array of internships, fellowship programs, study abroad opportunities, and summer undergraduate research, Washington College is an ideal place for you to begin your journey.
The Roy Ans Fellowship
The Roy Ans Fellowship in Jewish-American Studies offers a $2,500 stipend for a sophomore or junior completing a research project related to the Jewish-American experience in any area of study offered by Washington College. The fellowship also provides a $1,500 stipend to the faculty supervisor of the project. This fellowship is open to students of all religious backgrounds and beliefs. The fellowship is administered by the Institute for Religion, Politics and Culture and is made possible by the generous support of Roy P. ’63 and Nan Susan Ans.
John S. Toll Fellows Program
Admitted applicants who have expressed interest in studying biology, chemistry, computer science, environmental studies, mathematics, physics, or psychology may be invited to apply for an apprenticeship in the John S. Toll Fellows Program. Apprentices are encouraged to assist faculty and senior Toll Fellows who are working on projects in the lab. The JSTF Program is a research-focused community that commemorates Washington College’s 25th president, Dr. John Toll who served as president from 1995-2004. His support strengthened the foundation of the natural sciences both intellectually and financially here at Washington College. Thus, this program honors his commitment and enthusiasm for academia and research.
Douglass Cater Society of Junior Fellows
The Douglass Cater Society of Junior Fellows is the College’s flagship academic enrichment program. Junior Fellows grants are highly competitive. To receive project funding, applicants are expected to prepare well-crafted proposals for consideration by the Junior Fellows Advisory Council, comprising the Provost and Dean of the College, the Vice President and Dean of Student Affairs, the Chairs of the three Divisions (or their designates), the Curator, and the Student President and Vice President of the Society.

Ella Sanvee '23 Earns Award to Attend Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting
This spring, junior Emmanuella (Ella) Sanvee earned entrance to the Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting, a multi-day event held in San Diego, CA. While there, Sanvee attended lectures given by prominent researchers, gathered information about possible internships and advanced degree programs and even presented her very own research poster. For more information click below:
Explore Opportunities

The Roy Ans Fellowship
The Roy Ans Fellowship
The Roy Ans Fellowship in Jewish-American Studies offers a $2,500 stipend for a sophomore or junior completing a research project related to the Jewish-American experience in any area of study offered by Washington College.

John S. Toll Fellows Program
The JSTF Program is a research-focused community that commemorates Washington College’s 25th president, Dr. John Toll who served as president from 1995-2004. His support strengthened the foundation of the natural sciences both intellectually and financially here at Washington College. Thus, this program honors his commitment and enthusiasm for academia and research.
The goal of the JSTF Program is to support the academic and research activities of student scholars within the natural sciences and mathematics division. Programming during the academic year includes opportunities to promote and support students interested in research, including - but not limited to - research shadowing opportunities in the lab and field, meetings with invited researchers, and mentorship opportunities. These opportunities are meant to provide members of the JSTF Program with additional experiences to help them grow their interest in research and increase their likelihood of obtaining research-based positions, including internships.

Douglass Cater Society of Junior Fellows
Requiring a grade point average of 3.6 or better, membership in The Douglass Cater Society of Junior Fellows is offered to students who achieve distinction among the school’s top scholars. At Society meetings—open to the entire student body and to faculty and staff—Junior Fellows who have completed their independent projects funded by the Society give short presentations about their experiences. The Cater Society of Junior Fellows also sponsors several social events throughout the year.