Washington College is pleased to be continuing our normal in-person instruction. This includes classes, labs, office hours, and performance spaces. While the College remains prepared to quickly pivot as needed in response to this ever-changing virus, students should not expect or plan for online classes at this time. There may be some exceptions, but the general rule is that students and faculty will be together again in the classroom. The indoor mask policy remains in place, which provides an extra measure of safety in an already well-controlled environment.
We will be monitoring case counts through both gateway and surveillance testing, and in the event the number of positive tests reaches 25% - meaning 1 in 4 students would be required to isolate – we are fully prepared to shift all instruction to online. This change to virtual would be temporary and would be evaluated one week at a time, and the campus will remain open. Once the number of students who are impacted decreases, we will move back to in-person learning for all classes.
The allowance for a shortened isolation requirement will get many students back to the classroom sooner.
As has been the policy for other illness-related absences, students who are required to quarantine or isolate during the semester should work closely with their faculty members to make up any work missed because of their absence. Not all in-person classes will be accessible virtually, therefore, students should communicate with their professors to determine the appropriate steps to ensure their continued participation in their courses.
All classes for the spring 2022 semetser will begin for all students on Monday, January 24. See the 2021-22 academic calendar here.