Academic Requirements

The neuroscience major is designed to offer a breadth of courses that are divided into two categories. Learning about the physical properties of the nervous system provides an appreciation for the cellular and molecular mechanisms at play. Exploring the emergent properties of the nervous system helps one to understand how the system's physical properties combine to allow for incredible feats such as learning, memory, consciousness, and other behaviors. As a neuroscience major, you will take courses in both categories.

Requirements for a Neuroscience Major

A total of 62 credits are required to complete a major in neuroscience. Majors will work with a faculty advisor to recommend pathways for meeting these and other college-wide requirements for graduation with a B.S. in Neuroscience. Major requirements are summarized in the table below.

Introductory Courses

The neuroscience major requires 6 introductory courses including 2 each in biology, chemistry, and psychology, A quantitative requirement may be met by completing 1 quantitative course option.


  • BIO 111 - General Biology I
  • BIO 112 - General Biology II
  • CHE 120 - Chemical Principles of Organic Molecules
  • CHE 140 - Reactions of Organic Molecules
  • PSY 111 - General Psychology I
  • PSY 112 - General Psychology II

Choose One

  • PSY 209 - Statistics and Research Design I
  • MAT 109 - Statistics

Core Courses

Students must complete 1 core course option before graduation.

Choose One

  • BIO 311 - Neurobiology
  • PSY 210 - Biopsychology

Advanced Courses

Students must then take 6 advanced courses comprised of at least 2 from each department and 2 from each list.

Choose at Least Two From Each List

Physical Properties of the Nervous System
  • BIO 205 - Cell and Molecular Biology
  • BIO 209 - Genetics
  • BIO 301 - Integrative Human Anatomy
  • BIO 302 - Developmental Biology
  • BIO 350 - Toxicology
  • BIO 394 - Neurodevelopment
  • BIO 424 - Integrative Human Physiology
  • CHE 220 - Quantitative Chemical Analysis
  • CHE 303 - Chemistry of Biological Compounds
  • CHE 309/BIO 409 - Biochemistry
  • CHE 320 - Medicinal Chemistry
  • NEU xxx - Approved Special Topics
  • NEU xxx - Approved Research Experience
Emergent Properties of the Nervous System
  • BIO 328 - Behavioral Ecology
  • PSY 233/234 - Psychopathology I or II
  • PSY 305 - Psychopharmacology
  • PSY 313 - Learning and Applied Behavioral Analysis
  • PSY 316 - Cognitive Neuroscience
  • PSY 317 - Sensation and Perception
  • PSY 410 - Neuroscience Research Methods
  • NEU xxx - Approved Special Topics
  • NEU xxx - Approved Research Experience


Neuroscience majors will take a common junior seminar course and senior capstone experience (SCE) to complete the requirements for the major. The junior seminar will be designed to prepare majors for the SCE and will fulfill the campus W3 writing requirement.


  • NEU 300 - Neuroscience Junior Seminar
  • NEU SCE - Neuroscience Senior Capstone Experience

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Suggested Four-Year Plan for Neuroscience Majors

Year 1

 Setting the Foundation

During their first year, a neuroscience major will set the foundation for future courses by taking introductory courses in biology, chemistry, and psychology. Additionally, they will begin completion of distribution requirements including their first-year seminar.

Year 2

 Advancing Knowledge

Working with an academic advisor, majors will select core and advanced courses in neuroscience that work best with their goals. Additionally, students will continue to take courses that apply toward distribution and language requirements of the college. At this point, students may also have identified other majors or minors to pursue alongside their neuroscience major.

Year 3

 Advancing Skills

Majors will continue taking courses in the major along with courses for any other chosen majors or minors. Additionally, they will take the Neuroscience Junior Seminar during the spring of this third year. It will help to prepare them for applications to graduate programs and post-graduate jobs and will also set the stage for the senior capstone.

Year 4

 Capping the Experience

The Senior Capstone Experience will be the highlight of a neuroscience major's fourth year in the program. Students will have the option to complete a library research or laboratory research project with guidance from a faculty advisor in the program.