Work We Love
Work We Love
Read examples of some of our favorite pieces of poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and literary shade from the most recent issue of Cherry Tree.
Sample work from Issue 4 is coming soon!
“On the Thirtieth Anniversary of My Resurrection,” Michael Walsh
“Out-of-Office” (an excerpt), R.M. Fradkin
“Dragon Princess,” Michael Chin
“Body,” Tyler Mills
“To the Ten White Ten-Year-Olds in Indiana who Called a Friend ‘Nigger,’” Phillip B. Williams
“The Names,” Rick Barot
“MEMORANDUM: To Eustratius of Alexandria, regarding Enhanced Interrogation Technique, Subcategory B, ‘The Inducement of Shame and Elimination of Bodily Sovereignty Via Forced Prostitution and Other Mechanisms,’” Sara Biggs Chaney
“Given to These Proclivities, By God,” Vievee Francis
“Hatchet” (an excerpt), Roy Kesey
“in between such shadows,” Jennifer S. Cheng
”[That],” Leslie Harrison
“At the Sperm Bank,” Bruce Snider
“Atlantis,” Jericho Brown
“Mae Anna Whose Dough Always Rises” (an excerpt), Stephanie Dickinson
“On the Back of a Flying Fish, Dear Sister,” Anna Journey