Where are GIP Alumni?
Representing the wide diversity that Washington College has to offer, the alumni of
the GIP are those who have spent time working here while as students at Washington College.
The institutional memory of the staff runs deep with projects and experiences made
possible through the work of some truly extraordinary undergraduates. Thanks to their
experiences working at the GIP, many students go on to incor- porate geospatial technologies into their career paths. Some make a point of sticking in the technology
field, getting a job right out of college with one of our partner organizations or
Many of the alumni of our program, return occasionally to meet the next generation
and speak to them. They also provide a resource for job opportunities, internships, Tyler Brice
‘13 worked College working on and the perspective that comes from working in their
chosen fields.
To name just a few places our students have gone in the past for internships, jobs, and graduate schools with geospatial technologies in mind:
- Army Geospatial Intelligence Center
- Baltimore Police Department
- Booz Allen Hamilton
- Conservation International
- Environmental Systems Research Institute
- Earth Data, Inc.
- FTS Fiber, Inc.
- Maryland Department of Agriculture
- Maryland State Police
- McCrone Engineering
- National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA)
- Oxford University
- University of Buffalo, New York
- University of Maryland – Horn Point Laboratories
- University of Salisbury, Maryland
- Washington College, Maryland -- Some do come back to join our ranks as members of the staff!