
Thank you for your interest in the Eastern Maryland Youth Orchestra. Registration information is below.

You may register for EMYO online using the form below. If you would rather mail in a registration form, you may download and print a copy here. EMYO Registration Form.

Upon completion of the registration form, you will be given a link to Eventbrite, where you can pay the registration fee online. If you would prefer to pay by credit card over the phone (or in person at the first rehearsal), please email John Leupold at jleupold2FREEwashcoll. You may also mail a check made out to Washington College to the address below. 

Please submit completed forms to the following address:

EMYO Registration c/o John Leupold 300 Washington Ave. Chestertown, MD 21620 


Thank you for deciding to join the Eastern Maryland Youth Orchestra. Please submit the following information to secure your spot in this exciting ensemble.

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If a student plays multiple instruments or a different instrument, please indicate below in the "Other instruments" field.
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Please list any other instruments you currently play.
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e-mail address field
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required e-mail address field
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required radio button field