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Course Transfer Equivalents

The Chemistry Department implemented an innovative new curriculum in the fall of 2018 that integrates introductory topics from General Chemistry into the specific sub-disciplines within chemistry. This change allows students to take courses focused on organic and bio-organic chemistry at the beginning of their college chemistry education. Course transfer equivalents are outlined below.

Curriculum and Transfer Equivalents

The Chemistry Department offers an innovative curriculum integrating the introductory topics of General Chemistry into the various sub-disciplines of chemistry. All students begin their chemistry coursework with the gateway course CHE 120 Chemical Principles of Organic Molecules. In this course, students are exposed to the topics typically discussed in General Chemistry I and Organic Chemistry I such as atomic structure, bonding, chemical properties, functional groups, isomerism, thermodynamics, equilibrium, acids and bases, kinetics and substitution reactions. Upon successful completion of CHE 120 Chemical Principles of Organic Molecules, students can take CHE 140 Reactions of Organic Molecules and/or CHE 220 Quantitative Chemical Analysis depending on what the requirements are for their intended major.

Below we outline the chemistry courses taught at Washington College and their equivalent courses taught at other institutions, as well as which courses students interested in a health professional school or an engineering program should take.

Washington College Course Title


Equivalent Course

Chemical Principles of Organic Molecules  w/Lab CHE 120  

Organic Chemistry I w/Lab

CHE 201    
Reactions of Organic Molecules w/Lab CHE 140 Organic Chemistry II w/Lab CHE 202    
Quantitative Chemical Analysis w/Lab CHE 220 Analytical Chemistry w/Lab  CHE 301 
Chemistry of the Elements w/Lab CHE 240      Inorganic Chemistry w/Lab  CHE 311 
Health Professional Schools

Many health professional schools require between two and four courses in chemistry, and specifically General Chemistry I, General Chemistry II, Organic Chemistry I, and Organic Chemistry II. As stated above the Chemistry Department does not offer courses in General Chemistry. Instead, the introductory topics traditionally covered in General Chemistry are now incorporated in the various subdisciplines of Chemistry. Students interested in pursuing a career in the health professions will be exposed to all of the topics from General and Organic Chemistry by completing CHE 120, CHE 140, and CHE 220. If a student requires additional Inorganic Chemistry knowledge, we suggest they take CHE 240.

Engineering Programs

Many engineering programs, including Washington College’s Engineering Dual-Degree Program with Columbia University, require that students are exposed to the topics typically found in General Chemistry I and General Chemistry II. To ensure students who are pre-engineering are exposed to the chemical topics they need for engineering programs, students should take CHE 120 and CHE 220.